I get up and see myself in the mirror, not perfect but I never was, so, who fucking cares (well, me, a tiny bit). Drinking my coffee looking forward to doing so many things, like if each day was a present, oh wait, it actually is. Now here I am, just finished my coffee and now, full of energy, a bit of caffeine and quite a bit of enthusiasm , gotta work cause now present and future are what matters. Past is just a story, and I am a big girl for tales, aren´t I?
I listen to this song and, maybe I am still not the woman I used to be and it is very likely that I won´t be that me again, but who said I had to be that person? Where is it written? Life is not a straight line at all, life is full of curves and slopes. You decide whether you enjoy the ride or keep complaining about how unfair life is. But seriously, life is not fair at all, we humans invented fairness and apply it (hahaha well, sometimes), but life is just life, no plans, no big expectations...so please, just enjoy every single day and be ready for life to screw you up any time, haha.
So, for those of you struggling to cope with life, anxiety...take life as a roller coaster, so fasten your seatbelt, don't you close your eyes so that you don´t miss anything and enjoy the ride...REJECT FEAR AND EMBRACE YOUR LIFE SINCE IT DOESN´T LAST FOREVER!
Os dejo con esta otra foto de Lucía y yo. Sí, soy yo, no me reconozco, pero soy yo hace 9 meses y Lucy a unas semanas de estar ya fuera, dándome pataditas y teniendo hipo cada vez que me tumbaba en la cama :)